.Net Software & App Development Services

.NET is an open source development platform developed by Microsoft for building many different types of applications. Microsoft .NET, allows you to use multiple languages, and libraries to build for the web, mobile, desktop, and gaming platforms.

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Inside the .NET Framework

The .NET Framework contains thousands of available shared code within the language. This shared code makes the lives of developers and we can focus on the code that’s unique to your applications and the UI design.

Our team of developers can write code using their preferred coding language and be assured the code can run where the framework is supported. Your customers can benefit from such consistent applications.

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How We Use .NET To Develop A Game-Changer

Our team can build you a secure platform that meets your needs.



The Microsoft .NET framework is accessible via cross-platform and is an open-source platform for building many different types of applications. There is a healthy .NET community of 60,000 developers and 3,700 companies already contributing to the .NET platform.



The coding languages used within .NET are simple and modern. They include object-oriented and imperative programming in an approachable language. This means our team can deliver your project across multiple platforms in a secure and innovative framework.


Cross Platform

Whether our team is working in C#, F#, or Visual Basic, your language code will run natively on any compatible operating system. A cross-platform framework such as .NET framework can be implemented for websites, servers and console applications amongst Windows, macOS or Linux.


Common API’s

Implementation of the .NET framework can also expose additional APIs that are specific to the operating systems it runs on and it includes APIs for accessing the Windows Registry.

Let's Chat

The team at Big Leap Digital would love to chat about your project and how we can help.